One of the Most Powerful Marketing Programs that Exists Today 

Two Programs In-One:
Use Behavioral Management to Get People to Say YES Across All Your Marketing and Media!

If You're Serious About Getting Even BETTER Results and Closing More Deals, this Two-Program System Makes Selling Much Easier!


These Two Programs

   (Mastering Persuasion, with Videos and an Action Guide)

– Including the BRAIN GLUE™ Power-Pitch System
Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills you can develop. 

With this program you get industry-leading behavioral management skills designed to improve your ability to Influence, Persuade and Sell just about anyone, through your ads, social media, emails, talks and face-to-face.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in the First Few Minutes of the Program…

  • PREPARE YOUR LISTENER TO SAY YES by setting their expectation and instantly putting them at ease in a way that increases the chance of a YES by 300%
  • SOLVE A DEEPER WANT by pre-framing your product, service or idea as the ONLY solution to a deep seated desire in your listener (something that most people don’t even recognize!)
  • BYPASS NEGATIVE TRIGGERS by understanding the "triggers" accidentally turning your listener off
  • CREATE INSTANT TRUST with the 20-second "Truth Tool" that gets your listener trusting you from that moment forward
  • TURN EVERY NO INTO A POWERFUL YES by learning how to "Boomerang" the NO into an instant YES without being pushy or feeling like you’re “selling”
  • THE EYE CONTACT MYTH - discover the surprising place you should be looking at your prospect to instantly increase your credibility
  • CATCH OBJECTIONS BEFORE THEY BITE and overcome your listener's concerns without making things awkward or feeling like you have to be even more convincing with your pitch
  • OPEN YOUR LISTENER'S MIND so they’re 100% open to your idea or proposal, even if they were initially opposed

My name is
James I. Bond. 

I’m one of America's leading “Behavioral Management” specialists and have spent more than 35 years as a marketing, management, and strategic planning consultant. 

I’ve worked with all types of businesses, from startups to home-based businesses to divisions of Fortune 500 companies. 

Over more than three decades I've developed a set of tools you can use in any sales conversation, social media promotion, advertising, email, and any time you’re trying to persuade someone or market anything. 

You Also Get the BRAIN GLUE Power-Pitch System

This is the same sales psychology used by top celebrities and some of the biggest brands and companies in the world…

I’ve broken it down so YOU can learn it and also apply it across all areas of your life!
BRAIN GLUE makes it easier to persuade just about anyone by making your ideas "sticky" so they stick in your prospect's brain like glue. 

A few simple hacks like this will revolutionize how you sell.

#2. The 4+4 Brain Trigger Selling System
   (State-of-the-Art Marketing System, with Videos and Action Guide)

As one of the most powerful marketing programs that exists today, 
The 4+4 Brain Trigger Selling System shows you how to build a highly effective system for attracting and winning the most profitable clients for your business.
With the 4+4 Brain Trigger Selling System 
You’ll Discover THREE Types of Persuasion You Can Use Across ALL Your Marketing...
#1: Selling Your Ideas
Persuading someone of something (like getting your boss or a client to give you a raise)
#2: Selling Your Product or Service
Getting someone to say YES to buying your product or service

#3: Marketing to the Masses
Selling through advertising, social media, direct mail, and other channels.
8 Content-Packed Modules 
to Set You Up for Success! 
Through EIGHT Modules, suddenly, selling will be much easier, regardless of the method you are using. Within the first few minutes, you’ll already understand some of the most powerful “behavioral” secrets that transform ordinary websites, ads, social posts and one-on-one presentations into incredible sales-generating machines!
Here's a sampling of what you’ll learn:
  • A single word that can turn a “Let me think it over,” into a YES with almost no effort! (getting your prospect to justify why they MUST buy, rather than your having to do the selling)
  • ​How a simple fix to an ad generated a 638% increase in results – that’s SIX TIMES the number of sales generated from a change so simple anyone can do it.
  • The Magic Sequence that makes it easier to get just about any prospects to say YES!
  • ​How selling to a slightly different prospect could multiply your earnings almost overnight.
  • Techniques that simplify a person’s ability to sell for you… especially if someone needs to persuade their boss on buying from you.
  • ​The RIGHT emotion that transforms a looker into a real buyer.
  • Finding your most powerful “Hook Point” that clarifies why they MUST buy from you.
  • ​Visual Memory Pegs that improve your prospect’s memory of why buying from you is so important.
  • Two questions that will clarify your strongest selling point – for your ads, social posts and one-on-one presentations.
  • ​Why “Got Milk” is one of the worst ad campaigns ever, and how to avoid the mistake that turned it into a money-losing failure.
  • ​A simple way to boost your effectiveness on Zoom calls.
  • ​Save thousands on consultants, with the first ever Media, Publicity and Sales Promotion Worksheet – used by top pros, it shows you exactly how to find the best marketing tools for your product or service.
  • ​A text-messaging trick you can use RIGHT NOW to boost your website conversions almost immediately – regardless of the type of business you have.
  • ​Eight tools to choose from – that suddenly make your prospects ready to buy RIGHT NOW.
  • ​A question so powerful, it stops your prospect in their tracks and makes them eager to hear you out… something you can use in your ads, posts and presentations.
  • ​Attention-grabbing tips and techniques that boost your prospect’s receptiveness to your product or idea.
  • ​How to identify something your prospect wants so badly, that linking your product or idea to it will radically simplify your ability to sell.
  • ​Something used by the creators of the HBO tv series “Band of Brothers” and the “Rocky” movies that turned nobodies into international rock-stars… something you could easily replicate for yourself and your product.
  • ​How to use your prospect’s “voice inside their head” to get them to say YES!
  • ​How PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE questions get your prospect explaining exactly what you need to say to get them to buy your product, service or idea.
  • ​Question Templates you can use right now with your own business.
  • ​How the movie “Boiler Room” shows us how to nudge prospects across the finish line, even if they’ve been resistant.
  • ​How to calm your prospect’s biggest fear so they are comfortable buying from you right now.
  • ​And more!
The first half of the program is the SETUP
  • Exactly how to target the RIGHT person (not always who you think!) that simplifies HOW you get the yes you want;
  • Your “EMOTIONAL HOOK” that will be at the heart of how you sell and persuade - your core message;
  • A MASTER LIST of the methods you will use to reach your prospect, whether it be one-on-one, identifying allies to help, using email, advertising, social media and more;
  • CONVERSION TRIGGERS to get your prospects to BUY NOW! 
And the second half of the program is HOW YOU PRESENT
  • STIMULATING your prospect with the right words and visuals where you learn how to open their mind so wide, they’re practically ready to buy from you even BEFORE they find out what you’re selling!
  • ENGAGING a prospect’s mind through powerful “behavioral” tools that get them self-identifying as someone who wants your product or idea, and having them explain exactly how they want you to sell them
  • PRESENTING your product or idea in a way that simplifies their understanding of WHY they should buy it
  • CROSSING THE THRESHOLD and overcoming resistance someone might have so they say yes NOW. 


BONUS #1: The ONE-Client Breakthrough  ($97 VALUE)
(Video and Action Guide)

BONUS #1: The ONE-Client Breakthrough  ($147 VALUE)
(Video and Action Guide)

Turn ordinary clients (and even your boss!) into massive sources of income with The ONE-Client Breakthrough. 

This exclusive blueprint shows you:
  • The 3 easiest ways to generate so much income from a single client, you may never bother going after another client again!
  • An innovative way to capitalize on the opportunities that most of us haven’t even noticed
  • How to leverage your client list to generate more income so you can spend less time looking for new clients
  • And more!

BONUS #2: How to Answer Tough Questions with EASE! ($97 VALUE)
(Quick-Action Guide)

BONUS #2: How to Answer Tough Questions with EASE! ($47 VALUE)
(Quick-Action Guide)

Have you ever been asked a question so tough, you weren’t sure how to answer it? 

I’ll show you how to escape the clutches of these “trick-and-trap” questions, so you don’t get trapped, uncomfortable, or left at a psychological disadvantage in ANY conversation!

You’ll learn seven strategies that enable you to take control, without being put on the defensive, and without offending the other party… even if the other person is trying to make you look bad. 

These are among the most effective ways to deal with a “trick-and-trap” question, derived from behavioral psychology and politics.

A MUST-HAVE under your tool belt for getting through challenging conversations!

What People Are Saying About My Programs


"... Frankly these types of skills
aren't learned in school..."
Kathleen Gallavan 
Past Director 
British General Electric


"Your process helped our 
stagnant company grow to
ten million in a single year."
Paul Hendel, Partner, Kenco


"You brought ideas to the table we wouldn't have though of..."
Tom Patterson
Director, Litton Enterprise 


“Indispensable in helping me redefine my pitch so it’s easier for people to hire me.”
Gordon Durich
Media and PR Specialist


"I could not have launched my personal finance program without Jim's help."
Robin Thompson
TV Celebrity,
Personal Finance Coach - Budgetwise.net


"The most important thing your program has given us is the ability to react fast."
Ron Eisele
President, Bestforms, Inc.

And Your Results Are Guaranteed 
60-Day Unconditional Guarantee

You WILL win more clients and persuade more effectively... or your money back! Because you’re covered with my 60-Day Unconditional Guarantee…

Like the crowds of people who have already gone through this program, I believe you will find this one of the most valuable programs you have ever experienced. 

But don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself. If you don't find this to be some of the most valuable information and techniques you've ever learned, let me know within 60 days and you will receive a full refund.

It's that simple!


This entire system normally sells for $3,000.00…
But because you are viewing this limited offer
you can get the entire four program system right NOW for…

Reg. $3,000.00 

ONLY $497!

If You're Serious About Getting Even BETTER Results and Closing More Deals, this Two-Program System Makes Selling Much Easier!

No earnings projections, promises, or representations made anywhere on this website or in our marketing materials implies or guarantees your future prospects, earnings and income. No warranties, promises, ideas, or suggestions made herein imply that you will earn the same and should not be interpreted as such.
All testimonials shared are real and verified by students/clients/participants of our programs/products. Your purchase of our products or programs does not guarantee any type of earnings or income statements and any claims made here are only meant to be used as estimate and examples of what's possible. You may end up earning more or less, depending on several factors including your commitment to the program, skills, existing knowledge and expertise in the field, audience size, lead quality, market conditions, and other factors.

You accept and assume the entire risk of not getting the full return on your investment and always have the option to make use of any guarantees provided. There is no guarantee that any prior success you have had or past results with similar programs will predict future success. There is no guarantee of success if you have completed a previous version of this program/have upgraded to a newer version of the product.

Nothing shared here should replace professional financial or business advice. You are responsible for doing your own due diligence about our product(s) or program(s) to determine whether this is a viable opportunity for you. You are responsible for contacting a lawyer, financial advisor, business advisor, and other professionals before acting on any of this information.

The owner of this site and creator(s) of this product/program assume no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred when you act upon the information provided in this program or in our marketing materials, including Facebook ads, emails, and other collateral where our opinions, ideas, or strategies are shared and expressed.